my first day......

so today was my first day for practical....
diz would be the first time me driving into the jam at Federal hiway instead of goin away from it when i travel to uni...
so this is me..estimating my time+allowing time for jam=arriving at Gamuda at 8.30am..
as i drove into the hiway at 7.30am..there's no car!!!!
so it took me about 15 mins to arrive..i had to wait...about..half an hour...
so..when 8.30am arrived..i entered the supervisor went out for that means moreeeee waitingg...
she came at 9.30am!..that's an hour of waiting....
so we went to another building..and climbed the stairs up to 3rd floor..
can you actually imagine the building has no lifts!
as i settled at my little so-called office...i had to wait...for her to give me something to do...
more waiting....

something to do..hee...
i guess our life is all about waiting...
fuh!..what a day!~


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