Happy Women's Day

Why do we need a special day to appreciate women? To that, I’ll respond as to exactly why we celebrate mother’s day, father’s day, and even birthdays.

Yes, we should celebrate and appreciate our loved ones each and every day. But we also need a day, where we can make them feel extra special then we usually do. And by this, we have something to look forward to each and every year, and what’s the harm in making our loved ones happy, right?

This year in my opinion, is an exceptionally special one for women. This year, is the year that we see the reputable BIG GUYS that thinks that they are untouchable, go down in the most scandalous and shameful way. It’s the year where we have major movements like #metoo and #timesup.  Yes, its in Hollywood, America where it can seem like so far away from where I am. But, even though I personally have never been in a position where I felt like my personal space has been invaded, I am sure women across every industry has experienced before.

I am personally lucky, to be working in a company, where they made special allowance for working mothers, special benefits available for women, and generally empower women to be in the workforce. I see mothers, being able to have a certain balance in their professional and their personal lives. I see women, having a significant positions where they have the power to make important decisions, I see that there’s an effort made by the company to bridge the gap between genders. And I think that most employers, especially in the male-dominated industry should start to jump on this bandwagon, and make it a company policy to accommodate the female workforce. Employers should recognize the valuable skills that women possess, and they should take the advantage for the benefit of the company. Women has a lot to offer, and given a chance they can certainly contribute for the company.

an effort by Gamuda to support women at work

As a single women in her 30’s, I certainly don’t conform the normal society standards. And I feel like I do not have to do it, just so I achieve the standard that society has set for me. After all Old NORMAL is different than the New NORMAL. I don’t see the rush to marry, if I haven’t found anyone that can stand my eccentricity. I shouldn’t have to pressure myself just so I can answer the standard question.. “Bila nak kawen nie???” When Allah says that it’s my time, then it will happen. No point being stressed or depressed over something that you have no control over.

So, LETS celebrate us as women, with how we perceive ourselves to be. We certainly are not perfect. But, what we can do, is to better ourselves, improve ourselves, so that the “US” tomorrow, is better than “US” yesterday.

I would like to specially dedicate this post, as well as this day to the woman that made the person I am today. My mother, gentle heart yet strong in her own ways, always so supportive and always so kind towards her children. Thank you Ibu. You are who I inspire to be.

And of course, to the man that made the woman I am today. My father, whose advice that always stuck with me all these years, "Kakak, never rely on a man". 

Happy Women’s Day, Ladies. 
You are beautiful and strong and nobody can take that away from you.


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