Tora Datang Eh..Ramadhan Datang Lagi...

Pukul 14.15…. baru balik dr lunch kmorni belanja sempena nak sambut ramadhan… menu td adalah tom yam campur, kalian ikan masin, ikan bakar 3 jenis, telur dadar dan air pilihan memasing…. There was the usual 7 of us…. Ambik meja paling besar kat café tuh and of course buat mcm umah sendri… tp kali nie definitely bukn kitorg yg paling bising…ada pkck mana tah belakang aku and kak faezah…asyik dok sebut je ayam goreng…ayam goreng…hehehe….ape kfaezah kata td??? Tukar menu sket…heheh…. Abes sume terdiam masa pakck nie terover excited pasal ayam goreng…sopan je concerntrate makan…klau x…suara kita je kat situ…hehehe….

Anyways….a big thanx kat kmorni… dgn adenyer korg sume…. Ramadhan kali nie lebih bermakna daripada biasa… (dah mcm tagline radio pulak..hihi)…. Bes la tahun nie…. Ade korg2 sume yg dipanggil sahabat… diri nie happy sgt2… harap2 xde ape yg boleh memecahkan ape yg kita ade….

Dalam perut kekenyangan nie… xleh la trus wat keje…nnt appendix… (ade kena mengena ker??? @ bukan ke ko dah xde appendix ili????)…. Haish….alasan giler xnk wat keje…. ak seperti biasa akan bukk internet… dan mulakan pengularan yg sedative… mula2 bukk newspaper dlu…. Slalu bukk awal2 td xsempat…. Walaupon sampai awal..dah ade kerja menanti..hehehe…..lepas bukk newspaper…bukk blog diri sndri..baca comment klau ade and baru browse org len nyer… tp xtaula nape iqa nyer blog je yg diblock oleh opis aku…org len nyer ok je…hurmm…page iqa nie canggih sgt kot…xpela…iqa nyer bukk dirumah….

First blog yg dibaca is ebah punyer…very touching..rintihan seorang anak yg kehilangan seorang ayah… I don’t know how it feels to lose my dad…but I hope its still far far in the future… belum lagi bersedia.. tp mesti this dugaan is what makes ebah such a strong girl… I hope I’m like her someday….

Second blog, is Maksu’s All about the AL’s…hurmm….tgk title entry it’s back! Dlm hati terdetik mesti pasal ramadhan yang sudah kembali…. Ruper2 nyer tak..hehe…pasal buku shopaholic rupernyer… I love this series..mmg suka giler arr…all thanx to maksu who introduce me to the book… on my 19th birthday if I’m not mistaken..maksu gave me my first book of the series…but it was the second episode… because the first was sold I kind of baca terbalik…I read the second one first than followed by the first book… I was hooked… hehe…. Klau dah kluar nnt..nak beli yg paperback je… hehe…. Tp xnk pinjam dr maksu…nak ade my own collection…(mana buku yg lain2 tuh ekh?? Hurmm…kena cr…klau x bukn collection ar namenyer….)

Selamat menyambut Ramadhan Al- Mubarak…. Jom kita sama collect ibadah nak bwk nnt…. Biar byk2 supaya berat ‘beg’ kita nnt…hee….

p/s: Kawan2! Nnt kita bukak pose sesame ekh!!


Ebah Mohamad said…
thanks u always... :) ibah x setabah yg ili sangka...i'm weak...having people like all of u around me make me strong...hehe..
aLynNzAmri said…
hehehhehe...hurmm..xpela..u tetap my role model...modal insan..hahha...

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