superBOWL ker???

It was like 5 days after am balik dari haji lebeyh kurang dec 2011 cmtu...masa ktorg dapat email pasal tournament bowling.... so kamal pn suggest to me...jom join!!!... ak nie..xkesa... ajak am n paie la skali.... am mmg mntap...paie pernah masuk tournament... so ak fikir..ok lah..boleh la dorg kaver aku nyer point..huuuu

so the tournament falls on 18th FEB 2012.... masa tgh accept tu fikir...mcm ku kenal tarikh ape yer... xpela..huhuh... so... billa yg suggest tu adelah kamal..maka die lah yg automatik nyer jadi captain kan... hehehe.. so he named us TANGO 12... sempena bola euro 2012.. (ape kait?? ak pn xtau..layannnnn..heee).... ktorg pn a few weeks lepas tu.... semngat berpraktis.. bukan ape..sbb tau xhebat...kena la practice...xlah malu kann....poyo je masuk dok cuci longkang je...mcm mana plak kan....

so there was one time tu..practice kat OU... kamal da mula2 tgk proshop... err...wahh..nak beli bola sendri kah????... dalam pada tengah main... paie sudah terlepas kata.... klau baling nie strike aku beli bola.... nie sume sbb offer proshop tu sgt menggoda...lepas tu..bonus da ngaummm...xde ape yg mengalang... so! paie pn baling..skali...STRIKE! erkkk..hahahaha...kena beli... so mlm tu die pn beli... mcm biasa...paie pn dok goda ak beli.... am ade da bola die sndri..tggl kamal and me je yg xde.... (ak fikir...ak fikir....hurmmmm)

next time we went for practice...kamal da beli bola sendri...haihhhh.... ak fikir lagiiiii..... mlm tu..practice kat curve..ktorg siap jadi member..sbb mahal klau xjadi member...berbaloi sikit..bila kerap main kat situ practice.... mlm tu ak mcm biasa main house ball.... ambik yang sumpik nyer bola...mmg mengundang bhya aku nie.... mlm thumb luka parah... ne nie nak tournament nanti.... haihh....nnt mesti berebut bola punyer on that day... (ak fikir...ak fikir....)

akhirnya..setelah da dipujuk utk sekian kali oleh team members...ak pn beli bola ku sendri... (smpai la ke hari nie.... ak xpercaya ak da ade bola sendri.... )... so after that...gigih practice.... mula2... cm xbiasa ngn bola tu... da risau da... makin menjadi plak career ak sbg pncuci longkang... tp lama2..i got the hang of it..... practice punyer practice...

18th February 2012 came....
(DATE INI ADELAH FAMILIAR SBB INI DATE ADLI'S WEDDING RECEPTION AT BATU PAHAT)... sorry adli...yg had ko nyer..insyaAllah ak attend yer....

Bowling tournament tu starts at 9.00am...yer...pagi.... hujan plak tuu..hujan rahmat katenyer...ktorg..berjersey merah..... pn smpai la pagi tu...bekpes McD sbb captain teringin pancake... ak n am mmg aim hashbrown la kan..hahahhaha.....

TANGO 12 and me.... 

the ladies...

the mens

combined! hehe

nervous tggu nak mula...kaver ngn senyuman...

bebola kami.... yg merah tu saya punyer...hehehehhe....

ktorg nie POYO...masuk tournament..mcm wakil negara...klau boleh nak ajak satu MALAYSIA dtg bg like always...geng2 ktorg yg comel..was there... ade yg bawak tunang..ade yg bawak husband...ade yg bawak sokongn...mmg best... trasa mcm ade moral support yg bagus..wpn main nyer xlah hebat sgt!...

Sgt menarik yer masuk tournament...adrenalin pumping.... masa nak baling bola tu...mmg terasa hati berdegup laju...but its the matter of breathing..and how u overcome the nervousness.... prestasi ktorg...mmg exceed one point tu..trasa mcm ade can nak menang je.. (confident kan??? hahah)... tp yang sedihnyer...lane ktorg ade technical problem...hang for 45 minutes...lansung lemauu....then tggl 2 lane je yg xabes lagi.... masa baling tu...the whole pinjunction tu focused on us.... mmg makin nervous... tp best sbb quiet...boleh focus more...

paie serius sungguh...hehehe..susun strategy kah?

kfaezah..pembawa ong ktorg...

bersama cheerleaders ktorg...ehehhe

my angels.... minus one..anis xde....(am xtermasuk yer...)

bersama si cantik manis Atteya...baru mcm da kenal lama..... nice knowing u dear.....

selain dari team ktorg... ade lagi 31 teams.... ade jugak member2 len yang participate....lepas tu..lane nak dekat2...heheheh..mmg best.... team yang mothi..pesaing terdekat adelah ain... bola die..mmg psyco... jalan slow giler.... mcm leh tido dlu baru hentam je tgk.... yg lagi satu long kunk... xmmbntu kan nama semua pn main tgk semngat kesukanan masing2... and masa nie la pn kan nak kenali team2 len..frm different floors..and different departments...time nie jugak la nak jumpa org yg selama nie xpernh jumpa....hehehehe

combination of a few teams...bersama team supporters masing2...

pose gilerr..kena ade kan!

yang tengah tu la ain.... yg tepi tu mothi yang manis mulut die sbb nak tumpang membership...hehehhe

abes game around kul 1 cm tu... masing2 pn da kelaparan... so we went for lunch... dgn niat utk balik tgk2 ade harapan xmenang....

lunch sebelum dapat news keramat.... huuuu

dalam tgh order tuu...captain received call.... kena REMATCH!  sbb points td semua pn hilang due to system down... argh!!!! kecewa x????? rasa mcm ok da prestasi ktorg td.. wpn next 2 games tu xmantap mana.... huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu...... tp apekan daya...kena gak other choice.... so... the match was postponed to 14th April 2012.. (date nie familiar lagi laaaaaaa!!!! --- wedding sher on this date..mmg saje sher mlm...boleh lagi nak kejor kan...)

so...kena continue practising nampak gayanyer...baru nak nyimpan balik..cuz trust me..when u start to pick up on a hobby...time tu la all your money GONE! hahahaha...semoga next time nie leh perform xtaula...pengalaman main kat MID nie...pengalaman ngeri..longkang je... err...hopefully ok..kena g practice that i get used to the lane...

korang..ak xsuka baju nie...nnt kita xpyh pakai bju nie ekh! hee


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