What's the boy word for s!ut???

suggestions anyone??

I came across this question while watching Definitely;Maybe..
if you've watched the movie..
u'll understand why it made an impact on me..

the question has been asked to a dad by an eight year old!
i wonder why we ladies haven't been able to come up with the question ourselves

I find it interesting that no one has ever come with a term
for guys who dates a lot of girls..
whether or not its at the same time..

is it because its a norm??
its acceptable for guys
to date one or more girls at the same time..

here i thought..
at the times we live in..
where many people out there fighting for equality..
same treatment between gender..
no such thing as double standards

can there still be
some things that is as insignificant as this
we let go by..

after all..
we start small..
it'll turn to something big..

if we let this minute detail go by..
how do we expect some bigger things..
(related to equality between genders i mean)
are ever going to happen??

don't u all agree???
they should have come up with one by now...

not to be all feminist and what not..
i hope they do come up with one someday..
and eventually..

~equality might actually be achieved in our society~


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