5 things.....

5 things i do when i feel bored at the office......

1. Listening to music

Currently, my music collection is 369 songs..i normally would queue it in WMP so i hear it all day. I'm not really the type that listens to one song for the whole day.. I also sometimes take the time to study the lyrics of a song that i love. It makes me understand the true meaning of the song and also find out the message or the story that the song writer try to tell..dulu mase xde internet, i listen to it carefully and try to capture it my self..Play kejap..hear it, pause and then i type it...but now with the internet..i go*gle jela..hehehe....

Seriousla konon2 nyer..padahal tgh main2....mmg boleh menang academy award for best actress arr..hehehe

2. Update my blog

Whatever it is that comes to mind..like this topic in particular..bosan tahap gaban dah nie..personnel kat Document Controller xbg ape yang di request by me last friday..too busy sampai lupe kot...Today tgk email xde lak..hiash..trus la email mamat nie..request balik...suddenly die xdtg pulak..hurmm..tangguh la keje aku nampaknyer..aku pon main2 la..dengan mengupdate blog nie...

3. Skype

Since xleh nak berfacebook or ym..all i have is skype..my office allows skype so that calls to overseas can be made for free of charge..but of course..for people like me who do not have to make international calls, we tend to misuse this..borak dgn office mate len..merapu ngn mereka tentang ape sahaja..xkesah la klau ade kena mengena ngn hidup n mati ataupon x..but we usually like to say stuff yg xde kena mengena..because we love to learn from the best...hihihi...

4. Baca Email yang Xde kena mengena ngn keje..

Selalunyer pagi2 mesti bukak outlook dlu..tp bukan nak tgk email keje ke ape ke..nak tgk klau ade email2 yang menarik yang boleh menghiburkan minda pg2..hehe... kitorg kat gamuda nie ade supplier email2 gini...slalunyer..pg2 lagi..ebah akan wat proses penapisan email2 yg die terima from external and baru pass kat kitorg..katanyer klau xtapis..rosak minda kitorg..kiranya email yang die pass kt kitorg nie menghiburkan dan menjana minda..xde la menjana mana pon tp x juga memudaratkan..since ebah havent come back from recovering her appendix surgery...our supply chain is currently down...no more lah pagi2 gelak baca email ngok ngek...i trully miss it..ebah..bila nak balik??? huhuhu.....

5. Watch Movie...

This by far is the sinnest thing i've done..the problem is though... xrase guilty pon.. hurmmm..kebetulan actually....i brought my external with me one day and i pon tgk2 la kat comp office....bila i tekan..xleh play pulak..codec required...so ape lagi..download la..since tade cter yg belum tgk i tgk merl*n series..the family abes tgk dah...i on the other hand cant get through the first season pon..hurmm..interesting actually cuma time tgk tuh mesti dah get ready for bed..so soon mmg fall asleep la after a tiring day...mcm mana i tgk without getting caught?

mcm tulah...hurmm...since i tggi and besar..org blakang xnmpk laa..ish2..mmg devil betul..lepas tuh wat jahat sorg2 xpe gak..nie ajak nadiah skali..pengaruh rakan sebaya betul..hehehe...sian nadiah ade kawan mcm kita..hee..tp xleh do it often..nnt klau kena tangkap..haru......bak kata pepatah sepandai2 tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ke tanah jua~~ hehehe....

Klau nak wat kerja di atas...plss:

1. Make sure that you're headphone is secured

2. Make sure ur Volume not too loud..nnt kalu ade aksi2 mengejut dlm movie sendri jugak terkejut

and last but not least......

3. make sure u position ur monitor strategically

Moral of the story....klau nak wat jahat..do it wisely..and pandai2 la nak cover balik kerja yang x wat tuh..eheheheh...mmg la ape yg i buat nie wrong..but kerja tuh..klau nak diikutkan..smpai bila2 pon xabes..so might as well enjoy it..smbil2...multitasking is good..atleast u're not so stressed..hehehe.... zaman muda mudi nie kena enjoy..klau asyik keje..bila dah tua nnt..kita akan look back and wonder what have we been doing all this while...heee....

so...enjoy ur life wisely...buat jahat kat opis smartly k~....hehehehe


nadiah said…
Yeay! Kita dah habis tgk 'he's not that into you' kat opis. Thanks ili. hehe.:)
aLynNzAmri said…
hehehe...balance ar...wat keje smbil main..ehehhe..

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