Birthdays and Farewells....

Its like a tradition here in PMC...everybody's birthday will be celebrated with a cake..everybody contributed RM 50 to buy the cake..actually secara kasarnya..kita beli kek sendiri ar...klau ade beberapa org yang birthday nyer xbrape nak jauh from each other would normally be celebrated sekali...the most birthdays in a month would be in February.. including me there's like 7 mmg muak cake sekejap..nasib march and april xde sgt..klau x...muntah cake la staff PMC nieh...

slalunyer....we will buy the cake ar berry's cake house...rase2nyer all cake kat berry's nie dah rase kot..that is simply because it's the nearest cake is most probable that berry's total revenue for the past year is contributed by us...haha..

This month, we did it a little bit differently.. we have decided to pool in all the birthdays on one occasion...since we are saying good bye to 2 staff here, why not we hold a birthday celebration for 5 people and the 2 farewells together....

So the birthday boys and girls are Nadiah, Zul, Am, Faezah and Pooi Lai...

Then..the sad part is....we have to say good bye to this two...

Motti and Wong

Wong, is sitting behind me..probably the sweetest guy i know..sadly he's going off to do his own business...mungkin his passion is more towards that...ermm...would really miss his fine jokes and smiles..hehehe......

Motthi on the other hand, is ending his practical here..he's going back to finish his studies...a year to go if i'm not mistaken...would probably come back here to work eventually, i'm not sure..

Memang bes makan2 semalam....kenyang giler...and full of laughter...PMC is like family...they make u feel at home and ready to pass on any knowledge you wish to gain..being here is the best decision i've ever u guys always...

here are some other photos from yesterday..

Would definitely miss them...but life goes on.....jauh dimata tp dekat di hati kan...hehe.....


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