Geng Sri Comel

Malam nie..nak gi tgk wayang….gi kat Gardens….ak xpenah gi sana…tp slalu ade invitation nak gi sane for free…so I thought…I would take up the offer and bwk these gurls…sorry la am…len kali ekh…terasa mcm nak girls night out..hehehe….everyone needs one anyways…. Especially me yang xbyk night activity…lagipon bila lagi nak keluar ngn ebah camnie…bila jodoh die dah sampai nnt… xde chance dah…so sementara die single buat sebulan nie….kita grab chance yang ade…..takut nnt kempunan nak keluar ngn ebah…ehehhehe……cadangnyer nak tgk kul 8.40 pm…so mungkin kena ade kat sane dlm kul 8.00 ker…..xtau nak dinner kat mana…lom wat any plans lagi…..

berbalik kepada main reason why ak nak tulis entry nie…..i love what I have now..To be honest..i use to not have many friends…friends has always be a problem or me when I was younger…xtaula…mungkin I wasn’t as charming back then as I am now…(charming ker?? hahahaha)… things starts to get better when I went for matriculation….from there..i started to collect friends….friends I actually can count on….i can depend on when I need someone to lean on….what do I call them?? I call them my babydragons…kenapa ak panggil dorg gitu??? Kena tulis another entry….tuh panjang lebar cerita die..hehehe……masuk uitm, ade jugak kawan2 baru….tp xberapa nak rapat..maybe because I don’t spend much time with them..most with my family..i don’t know if that is the reason….or did I become the person I was when I was in school….hurmm..i’ll never know……

Then…masuk alam pekerjaan….meet new people pulak…dlu masa masuk..nervous..bukn nervous pasal kerja…nervous sbb takut keseorangan kat dalam company…I was wrong…byk orang dalam company nie…tp..dalam byk2 orang kat dalam company nie… happens to be that my dept yang paling ramai sebaya dgn aku….so selepas setahun…kitorg semakin rapat….and namakan geng sri comel…hahaha…xpyh namakan geng pon xpe actually…tp belonging to an identity somehow makes it more interesting…..hehehe

perhatikan peace nadiah yang nie...and compare ngn peace kat pic bawah sekali..sama x??? heeee


nie mase bday kmorni and paie....wpon dah belated mcm mana sekalipon...kitorg akan tetap celebrate...its a way to show how much we appreciate one another....

I do believe in the saying…love comes and goes but friends stick……I know..we wouldn’t be like this forever…tp we’ll try to go on as long as we can….and bila situation kita dah x mengizinkan kita nak spend time with each other…kita accept..and move on….but always know..if we need anything..we can always count on each other.....


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