Underworld 3: The Rise of the Lycans
I entered the movie theater
with absolutely no knowledge on the first 2 underworld movie..
dad, farhan, fahim and zharif were the ones who were in to those kind of movies..
while me and mum were there to just give some kind of support..
the movie wasn't all that bad..
some were convincing as a vampire but some weren't so convincing as a werewolf..
however, the movie is recommended..
its a movie about vampires and werewolf..
it can never go wrong!
it was interesting to see how two worlds of creatures collide..
...how it can disrupt an entire system..
and how feelings or sentiment should not affect our decisions in life..
there's a down side to it
i find the script is a bit too corny..
too predictable and only said in movies..
and many questions rose from the movie weren't answered
people are more into reality..
what is really relevant and happen in real life..
(that's why there's so many reality shows on TV)
people are just more into facts..and truth..
well that is only my opinion..
what about yours?????