A Friend

A friend is supposed to be by your side...
Not at the back of you..sticking a knife into it...

A friend is supposed to hold your hand and tell you everything is ok...
Not pointing fingers to you and saying that you’re wrong....

A friend suppose to remind you…how strong you are..how brave you are..
Not someone who says ‘ko igt x mase mula2 dlu ak cakap kt ko jgn percaya kat die….’
(habes? Skang nie ko nak ckp ak bodoh la caya kat die…xcaya ckp ko..entah2 ko nak die for yourself…tp nak nmpk mcm ko nak protect ak….klau mcm tuh..ak lagi bodoh la klau nak percaya kat ko..)

A friend is supposed to become your savior, the one you lean on to....
Not someone who says “ak xleh nak ckp ak ngn die ade ape2 sbb ko ade ape2 ngn die”..
(what the hell right?? I know….)

A friend supposed to be honest....
Not someone who says “ak pon ade ego…kenape ko xconfront ak selama hari nie” ...
(ko gila ape?? Rasa mcm penah je ak tanye ko dlu….ko jawab ko xde ape2 ngn die…ak masih lagi kawan ngn die mcm dlu….so maknenyer selama hari nie..korang mmg item..berlakon jela depan aku….

Ape ko igt…klau die boleh wat ak gitu..ko xkena ker?? dream on la k….if he can do it to me..he can definitely do it to you…igt dah amek masters nie pandai la sket..ruper2nyer x….ak kesian dgn ko…ak anggap ko sbg bestfriend ak dlu..ini yang aku dapat dr ko….igtlah….ko nak balik dlu..sape anta ko naik bas…mase ko ade problem dlu..sape dgr masalah ko….ko mmg xleh dipercayai….ak kesian dgn orang yang anggap ko sbg kawan…sbb dorg sume tuh xtau..perangai ko nie sebenarnya mcm mana…ak kesian….nama ko cantik dah maknanyer…tp syg….namanya xsecantik manusia yang ak pernah panggil seorang sahabat…


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