Wet & Wild!!

InsyaAllah, 13th of November 2010 akan menjadi tarikh keramat untuk first family day 2t office...kali nie...(mcm dah byk kali...hhaha) buat kat A'famosa Water World..hurmm...mcm biasa..GSC akan pegi...except for ebah..huhu..sian die...sbb die bukan 2t..die xdpt gi...huhu....tp..xpela...nnt kitorang bawak balik kenangan utk dikongsi dengan ebah k...heee....

Nadiah & Me, committee..also the team captain…huhu..mcm mana nih??? Nak handle 20 lebih orang..some are bosses in the office…aiyak! Xmau pike lorhh…sula takut n kecut perut…huhuhu…kitorang jd committee adelah disbbkan oleh mr Looi yang comel…minx volunteer…kak morni dgn senang hati..melantik kami berdua sbb kami creative & single…(ape kena mengena status “single” disini..shingga kini saya masih kurang pasti….)

So..mula la masuk meeting yang diadakan almost once a week…but it gets more frequent as the day is just around the corner… I don’t know how, but I’ve been dubbed as the creative person in this committee..klau tau dek
Iqa…mesti die gelak..ili creative kah?? Hahahaha…mcm xje kan…hurmm..anyways..setelah dapat feedback and comment from several committee members..we officially came out with the logo for the family day…

haa..ini lah dia.....hurmm...akan berada di mana2 on that day..bangga pon ade...hehehehe

Xtau la creative ke x kan? tp itu saje yang I mampu..(lagu baru yang belum direlease oleh Aizat k…)…huhu..start from there..dah jd creative personnel dalam committee…dah..kena design t-shirt….again compile ideas from the members..and come out with the design….lom ade gamba lagi yang nie..nnt..on that day..kita tgkap gamba byk2 eh t-shirt nie…tunjuk hasil…hehehe…

Soon after that, dorg nak wat official announcement…so dorg suruh buat cantik2 and...comel2..and also kreatif2..huhu..kena pikiaq lagi….so minx tlg committee bg ideas…nmpk mcm bukan ak sorg jela…afterall 2 heads are always better than one..kan?? (again..single yang belum direlease oleh Boys like Girls & Taylor Swift..Hahahaha…)…pike punya pike..minx paie tlg…paie minx amir tlg…punya la sume org ak minx tlg..haha…akhirnya..i came out with this…

ok...itenary nie..concept die cam ala2 monopoly..haa..so bila nak baca..kena pusing2....tp baik2..jgn smpai terseliuh @ tergeliat tengkuk..hehehe

Hurmmm..unfortunately, mase celine wat announcement..i xsempat nak submit ke die….lepas tuh..masa meeting..die kata…y xbg awal2..hahaha…hurm..xpela..so what we did was..print it out..and sertakan ia dalam goodie bags..hehehe….well…ok la tuh kan..atleast keluar gak la produk ak..hehehe….

So hari keramat tuh..is this coming Saturday…hope it will be a memorable & fun one…hehehe…more updates..bila da balik dari sana nnt…InsyaAllah…..


keh3..ko ni ili..ko creative ape? if tak creative, takkan boleh jadi kariografer utk dancing queen? kn?kn?
aLynNzAmri said…
ko igt peristiwa tuh iqa?? hahahaha...ak xyakin ak creative...sbb ak rasa ko lebih creative dr aku..hehehehe
spideyrex said…
sory alyn haritu busy sgt hehe tak dapat sumbang idea. :)
aLynNzAmri said…
xpe...no problem at all...hee

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